Abbreviations of the Books of the Scriptures
Real Name Abbrevs
Yahuchanan {Yh} mistranslated as John (Jh). Yahuchanan means "the mercy of YAHUWEH."
Yahuchanan is one of the names of the twelve emissaries of Yahushua the Messiah. He the author of
the Book of Yahuchanan/John. And there is also Yahuchanan the immenser, secularly called John the
YeremeYahu {Yer} mistranslated to Jeremiah (Jer). YeremeYahu means "May YAHUWEH lift up."
YeremeYahu is one of the major prophets in the Hebrew Scripture, who foretold the destruction of
Yahusalem (Jerusalem) in 580 BCE.
YeshaYahu {Yesha} mistranslated to Isaiah (Isa). YeshaYahu means "YAHUWEH saves."
YeshaYahu is one of the major Hebraic prophets who ministered in the Southern Kingdom of Yahudah
(Judah), the author of the Book of YeshaYahu (secular Book of Isaiah).
Revelation {Rev} is the last book of the Scripture, written by Yahuchanan, one of the twelve emissaries of the Messiah;
also the author of the Book of Yahuchanan.

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