Imprisoned for lack
of Knowledge
YAHUSHUA article at Wikipedia: BLOTTED-OUT (9-25-2006 for several weeks, then again on 11-8-2006)
First, on 9-25-2006 the Wikipedia.com site had redirected the topic "Yahushua" to "YESHUA" omitting the original article preserved below for you - blotting it out completely. The one, true Name came under severe attack, and a search for it was redirected to "Yeshua". Eric Lowry has a Wiki acount, and restored this article "Yahushua" to Wikipedia, and it worked for a few weeks. As of 11-8-2006, Wikipedia again blotted-out the Name Yahushua, redirecting the search to "Joshua." As time marches on, the article "Yahushua" is being pulled off the site, then restored in slightly altered forms, and will probably continue to be. Whatever form it may be in at any given moment may change from the original form quoted below, so I've preserved it for you here.
Someone really doesn't like the true Name being shown at Wikipedia.
On or about 9-25-06, the article/topic "YAHUSHUA" was delected from Wikipedia, apparently for "raving." Even one complaint can remove any article from their site, so obviously someone complained and cited the article for removal for "raving." You can read the article for yourself to evaluate the level of "raving" you detect in it. It's very interesting that Yahushua predicted that we would be persecuted and suffer for His Name (Luke 21:12), and that people would accept "another" in their own name readily. Yahushua told them, "I have come in My Father's Name, and you do not receive Me; if another shall come in his own name, you will receive him." Jn./Yahuchanon 5:43.
Yahushua probably did a little raving as times, such as we see as Jn. 2:16, 7:37. Now, prepare to see me rave about His Name, if raving is what it really is ~ (if it is raving, then I hope Yahushua remembers how I raved about it!):
Here is the original article posted before it was delected:
YAHUSHUA (Hebrew letter spelling, yod-hay-waw-shin-ayin) is the Hebrew name for the successor of Mosheh (Moses), and conveys the meaning of "Yah-is our-salvation" (in contrast to "Yeh-is our salvation.") Suffering the disadvantages of passing through Greek and Latin alphabets, this Hebrew name eventually mutated into two highly diverse forms:
Jesus and Joshua. It then became the whim of a translator which form would be used in English translations of the Scriptures. Scholars have long agreed that in the Hebrew, both men had identical spellings for this name. Since their appearance, the Society of JESUS has promoted the use of the Latinization of the Greek letters IESOUS, assuming the disciples of the Messiah of Israel had written the Name in those Greek letters. The idea of explaining the source of the form JESUS using only the Greek and Latin fails to address the fact that the original Name is actually Hebrew, and carries a meaning in that language. It seems to have no certain meaning in the form of JESUS, nor has the sound been preserved. In the Greek text, the letters underlying both names, JOSHUA and JESUS, can be easily seen at Hebrews 4, and Acts 7. These texts refer to two separate men; one is Mashiach, and the other is the successor of Mosheh. The Greek letters for both men's names are IESOUS. The translators simply decided to differentiate IESOUS as JESUS and JOSHUA in the English texts. And it was the KJV (Authorized Version) that did it for the first time this way!
Looking at the Hebrew text (rather than Arabic or Cantonese), and the letters of the name for the man they today call "JOSHUA", we see yod-hay-waw-shin-ayin, or YAHUSHUA (alt. YAHOSHUA). We should not be upset about this letter. The Name is also correct if we shorten it to Y'shua; the meaning still stands, "Yah is our salvation." "Ben" is short for "Benyamin" (no letter "J" is possible for Hebrew, Greek, or Latin - it didn't show up in any alphabet until about 1530 CE). One thing is certain, Yahushua was never called "JESUS" while He was on Earth. The letter "Y" at the beginning of the Name Yahuah (mostly seen as Yahweh), as we see "YAH" used at Psalm 68:4. So, "Yah" is contained in the first part of the authentic Name of the Messiah of Israel, and it is connected to "shua"(save), explaining why Gabriel said, "Yoseph, you son of David, fear not to take unto you Miryam your wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the (Ruach haQodesh). And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call His Name (Yahushua): for He shall save (shua) his people from their sins.' Matt 1:20-25
As recently as 1599, in the "Geneva Bible", you will find that there was no use of the letter "J" - they spelled the Rabbi's Name "IESVS." "James" is spelled "IAMES", very much corrupted from the original name, Ya'aqob.
The form "YESHUA" has been cited to be from the acronym "YESHU", a mutilation of Yahushua's Name used by unbelieving Yahudim during the late 1st and 2nd century CE (search google.com for more on this). The letters in "YESHU" stood for the sentence, "Yemach Shmo u'Zikro" meaning "may his name be blotted out" (from the scroll of life). You can search the internet yourself with these letters, and find this to be true. This "Yeshu" acronym is highly likely the root of the form "JESUS", after going through Greek, then Latin, considering the following evolutionary path:
YESHU (remember, this is an acronym, meaning "may his name be blotted out", referring to the scroll of life). A rabbinic word-play, from the original Hebrew words: "Yemach Schmo u'Zikro."
The Talmud records Yahushua's Name as "YESHU" (seen in modern translations as JESCHU), a form which denigrates Him and promotes the "secret" acronym's meaning. There's not actually a letter "W" in the Hebrew alef-beth; the letter "W" is a rather new letter to our own alpha-beta. It's called a "DOUBLE-U" for a reason; our letter "U" is a perfect match with the sixth letter of the Hebrew alef-beth, now called a "waw." Acronyms are abbreviated messages, like "SCUBA" stands for "self contained underwater breathing apparatus."
YESU IESOU - Going into Greek, the letter "Y" became an IOTA because Greek has no "Y"; also, the sound of "SH" was lost, because Greek has no letters to make this sound. The letter combination "OU" is a diphthong, arising from the Greek attempt to transliterate the sound "OO" as in "woof." Our letter "U" and the Hebrew letter "WAW" does this easily. JESU is used also.
YESOUS IESOU took on an ending "S" to form IESOUS, since the Greek wanted to render the word masculine with the ending "S". Going to Latin, the diphthong "OU" became "U".
THE FORM JESUS (Became popularized by the Authorized Version, or KJV).
In the early 1530's, the letter "J" developed, causing a tail on proper names beginning with the letter " i ", and words used at the beginning of sentences. This "J" is really the letter "IOTA". Many European languages pronounce "J" as the letter " i ", or a "Y" sound.
If we go to the Greek language, and attempt to spell YAHUSHUA, the first thing we notice is that we cannot do it for the lack of two letter/sounds: the Y and the SH. But, if we had to come as close as we possibly could, it would still wind up like trying to play a symphony on a 4-string banjo. It would have to begin with the Greek letter IOTA, then to simulate the vowel sound in "YAH" the second Greek letter would have to be an ALPHA. Clement of Alexandria spelled YAHUAH (yod-hay-waw-hay) with the Greek letters IAOUE. There is only one name that is the true Name, and that would be the Hebrew-based Name, uncorrupted by foreign alphabets. To build on a foundation other than
the original Hebrew, one cannot arrive at a proper transliteration.
"He is 'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:11-12
If we accept a Roman, Greek, or Arabic form that has no meaning of salvation, nor contains the proper Name, then we have abandoned Truth. (Lew White)
Text recently added (and pertinent) to the article: Yahushua (Yah Hoo Shoo Ah), though similar to Yeshua, differs in a few ways. Foremost among a large part of Messianic Judaism's scholars, it is believed to be the more correct rendering as it maintains Yahu which is found at the beginning (as many transliterate it) of the Creators Name. Again, YESHU is an orthodox Jewish (or rabbinical Jewish) acronym meaning "may his name be blotted out", which would seen to have no place among Messianics nor Christians, for they worship Yahushuah as the Messiah. Following the death of the Messiah, the apostles were constantly being beaten and threatened by the Pharisees (rabbinic Jews) and Sadducees for their use of the Messiah's Name (Acts 9:15,16, 18:14,15, 26:9-11). This apparent dislike for anything associated with His Name is what some scholars believe to have spurred the creation of the apparently blasphemous YESHU acronym in place of the "Yahu" prefix, which the rabbinic Jews view as too holy to be uttered. The Name is an obvious division in the beliefs between rabbinic and Messianic Judaism.
Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahushua
I want to take this opportunity to enlighten readers - that the original language spoken by Adam
and Eve in the Garden of Eden is Edenic-Hebrew; the language of righteous race of Adam, Ab'El,
Seth, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham.
The rest of the languages of the world came from Nimrod's rebellion; from the tower of Babylon the
Great: Aramaic - Afroasiatic - Arabic - Coptic Egyptian - Hellenic Greek - Latin - Indo-Aryan dialect.
On the arrival of Hellenic Greek rule in Isra'El in the 2nd century BCE, the Levitical priest denounced
Greek language and consider it an abomination, because Greek language is littered with the mythical
words and names of their deities, of which YHWH warned His people against the mentioning of
names of other deities Exodus 23:13/Deut 12:1-5. For that reason, the Levitical priesthood was
abolished and replaced with the hellenize sect of Pharisees and Sudducee.

Tower of Babel (Nimrod)