Mithra the Christ (570BC)

600 BCE, Mithra, the Aryan Sun Savior, also called Christ, was born. The birth of Mithra was foretold in Zoroaster's Scripture around 660 BCE by prophet Zoroaster (Zarathusta) founder of the religion called Behi-Deen (which means the good religion). Zarathusta prophesied the coming of Mithra the Saoyoshants (Savior), who will come from his lineage; to redeem mankind.
Mithra was described in the Zoroastrian Scripture as 'Mithra of wide pastures, of the thousand ears, and of the myriad eyes (Yasna 1:3), an all-seeing Protector of Truth; the begetter of light, the lofty and the everlasting, the province ruler. In Vedas and Avesta, he was described as 'Mithra whose word is true, who is of assembly, who has a thousand ears: the well shaped one, who has ten thousand eyes, the exalted one, who has wide knowledge, the helpful one, who sleeps not, the ever wakeful, and so on.
Mithra is a male Sun divinity; the light and power behind the sun halo, the rising sun and the sky at the day light,
the Mediator (Mesites) between God and man. In ancient Rome, Mithra is known as Helios the Savior of the world.
The name 'Mithra' means Contract and Oath.
Info: Christ means "the Anointed or the Sun messenger." Christ or Greek Khristos, represents the Mediator between
Sun and humankind or Sol Invictus, anointed power of the Sun.
Although, there were several Christs, however, the first known Christ or Krst was Horus of Egypt 5000 BCE.
The Birth of Mithra/Christmas
Christ Mithra was born of mother-rock on 25th of December, 600 BCE. Greeted after conception was three wise men or Magi, who presented him with gifts and worshiped him. His birthday was exclusively celebrated annually by followers, commemorated in his temple as Christ's Mass' or 'Dies Natalis Solis Invicti' meaning 'the birthday of the unconquered Sun.' However, in 325 CE, Emperor Constantine, who assumed the role of the protege of the Sun, made Christ's mass or 'dies natalis solis invicti Mithra' a public festival we know today as Christmas.
In Greco-Roman world, Mithra was worshiped as the Divine and Unconquered Sun, the Lord of heaven and earth. However, in Babylon, he was worshiped as Shamash or Bel. Mithra was a traveling teacher, who preached social tolerance, good fellowship and brotherhood of men. He denounced injustice of any kind, and all manners of evil, and encouraged followers to abstain from lust, and all sexual misconducts. He preached righteousness, and reward of eternal life in heaven for good people, and everlasting torment in hell for evil doers. He also preached of the coming judgment for sinners.
Mithra had 12 core satellites(disciples) and many followers.
Mithraism, sometimes referred as the Church of Mithra, was men seclusive religion, whose members are sometimes called Goodman or Christians (Christ followers) in Asia Minor. However, when Mithraism was introduced in Greco-Roman culture, it was regarded as a soldier religion.
Info: when Romans invaded Asia Minor in the 2nd century BCE, and stationed two legions of soldiers, as time progresses, most of the Roman soldiers received the gospel of Mithra and were converted. Those converted soldiers were responsible of spreading Mithraism in Rome. And that was the reason Roman people referred Mithraism as soldier religion.
Mithraism is a religion of loyalty, contract, and unity among men. Women were not allowed membership in their collegiums or
seminaries. Nevertheless, women and 'sisters' reckoned as virgins of Mithra, which formed association to worship the queen
of heaven Cybele the mother of Christ, and observe her fertility feast called Easter or Eastre: symbol eggs and bunny.
The followers of Mithra were held to high moral and ethical standards. Fasting, penance, and confession was among the religious
obligations. That was why the followers were oftentimes called 'Goodman' or sometimes 'soldiers of Christ' by pagans.
Prior to 320 CE, before it was consolidated with other major religions in Rome by Constantine to form a unified Roman religion
under Sol, Mithraism was one of the most organised religion in the world. Its members were mostly soldiers, custom officials,
merchants, bureaucrates, magistrates, even, emperors like Commodus, Diocletian, Aurelian and emperor Constantine.
. Mithraism sacred day of worship was Sunday, also called the Lord's day. And the sixteenth of each month was set aside for Mithra as Christ.
. Weekly Mass was conducted by pater (father) on each Sunday.
. Three times a day prayer was offered to the Sun towards east, south, or west according to the hour.
. December 25th was observed as Mithra's birthday, commemorated in the temple as Christ's Mass.
. New members of the religion were initiated through baptism ceremony, in which they were sealed in their foreheads with the sign of the Cross.
. Cross and the sign of the cross were important emblem or symbol of Mithraism, which originated from Egypt.
. On entering the temple, members dip their fingers in the sacred water on the entrance and make the sign of the cross: a sign of protection and victory
through the medium of the Sun.
. They also share in the Eucharist communion of bread and wine during Mass.
. Sacrament oath and sprinkling of sacred water were common practices.
. A fire was kept continually burning in the Sanctuary. Speaking in tongues and making of strange noises during their ritual services on Sunday, and
deification into sainthood of an outstanding members were common practices.
Mysteries of Mithraism
There were seven grades of initiation progression in Mithraism. Each grade are protected by its planetary Deities.
Grades Symbol Protecting deity
1. Corax (raven or crow) beaker or Caduceus Mercury
2. Nymphus (male bride) lamb, bell, circlet, diadem Venus
3. Miles (soldier) helmet, drum, breast plate, belt Mars
4. Leo (lion) sistrum, laurel wreath, batillum Jupiter
5. Perses (Persian) akinakes, phyrgian cap Luna
6. Heliodromus (Sun-runner) torch, images of Helios, robes Sun
7. Pater (father) mitre, patera, shepherd staff, garnet, chasuble, Saturn
elaborate robes jewel encrusted with metallic thread
Initiation progression:
Corax, Occults and Soldiers formed the lower order (catechumens).
Lions and the rest of grades were participants of the mysteries.
The highest grade in the mystery is the Pater (father), which conducted the Sunday worship.
The head of the fathers was called Pater Patrum or Pope, who always lived in Rome.
Ascension of Mithra
Before his death, Mithra had his last Eucharist; a sacred banquet with his core disciples, before ascending to heaven
in a chariot to unite with his father 'Sol'.
The banquet took place in his temple. After the departure of Mithra to heaven, the head of the fathers:
the Pater Patrum or Pope assumed the role of Mithra on earth, as the protege of Christ; the head of the Church in Rome.
Most of the Mithraic churches were small seclusive temples, located underground or in caves, which exhibited
abasement and separateness. Also, reflects Mathraic doctine of simplicity and self-denial.
Mithraism versus the Hebraic Messianic Faith
The disciples of Mithra were described as soldiers of Christ in Rome, or Christians in Asia Minor, similar to the disciples of Yahushua who were oftentimes called Nazarenes (sect) by fellow-countrymen or Messianic by pagans.
Mithraism preceded the Hebraic Messianic Faith. Mithraism as a religion, started around 570 BCE. That was over 500 years before the coming of the Hebraic Savior- called Yahushua of Nazareth, who was born in Bethlehem Israel in (1 CE/ Common Era), which marked the beginning of this present Era.
Info: Yahushua is the Name of the Hebrew Savior; the founder of the Messianic Faith, which He authorized and established upon the foundation of His Name Matt 18:20/1 Corinth 3:11. His followers are called by His name: followers of Yahushua, which many were misled to believe they were also Christians. The Father of Yahushua is the YAHUWEH {YHWH}, who presented Himself as the El of Abraham, Yisaac and Yisrael Exodus 3:15.
Mithraic Christianity is universally mistaken to Messianic Faith created by Yahushua the Hebrew Savior. The followers of Mithra were fraternized as Christians, administrated by Pater Patrum or Pope 500 years before Yahushua the Hebraic Savior. Although, during the reign of Emperor Constantine, the Messianic Faith and Mithraism were amalgamated with other Faiths in Rome to redefine the Roman Church, and unite the Roman people in one religion under Sol, as foretold by prophet Dani'El (coming of the 4th reign/beast) Dani'El 7:7-28.
Info: Through out Yahushua mission on earth, Satan trailed behind, waiting for Him to depart, so that he could plant a look-like or counterfeit religion to overshadow the Faith Yahushua had set-up upon His Name. Yahushua foretold Satan's plot in Matt 13:24-30, but He has no power to stop it because His Father has given Satan power to do so Rev 13:5-8.
Confusion between Mithraic Christianity and the Hebraic Messianic Faith
The confusion all started way back in Asia Minor (44 CE), during Paul's missionary journey in Antioch, where the followers of Yahushua were mistaken to Christians by the people of Antioch, and were called so Acts 11:26. In Asia Minor, back then, there were many Heroes and Sun Saviors, and the most popular Savior deity back then besides the anointed Krishna and Buddha was Mithra the Christos and Attis. Moreover, Christianity began in Asia Minor, before wide-spread to Rome, and the western hemisphere. Another similar incident which occurred in the same Asia Minor, was when Paul and Barnabas were mistaken as Zeus and Mercurius Acts 14:12. Little did the people in Asian Minor knew about YAHUWEH and His Son Yahushua the Messiah. Hence, they misjudged YHWH to Zeus the chief of deities, and the Messianic Faith to Christians the Mithraic Faith. The two faiths, Mithraic Christianity and Messianic Faith were two rival faiths in the Asia Minor around 50 CE. And the two co-existed together, and competed for converts. The two faiths expanded side by side, sometimes one is confused to another, to this very day.
Some of the striking similarities between the two Faiths
. Yahushua of Nazareth was a traveling teacher, who preached righteousness, repentance, and salvation through His Name. Mithra, also was a traveling
teacher who preached righteousness, repentance, and salvation through the cross.
. Yahushua the Messiah had twelve apostles. Mithra had 12 satellites/disciples as well.
. Yahushua was born of the virgin mother Mariyan. Mithra was born through immaculate conception, descended from heaven to the rock.
. Yahushua is the Son of the Most High YAHUWEH. Mithra is the son of the chief deity Sol or God.
. Yahushua was born in the spring. However, Mithra was born on 25th of December, honored as Christmas.
. Yahushua was called MessiYah (Meshiah) meaning: an anointed Messenger from YHWH. And Mithra was called Christ: meaning an anointed one or
runner of Sun or God. God is the personification of Zeus.
. Yahushua preached immersion, and did miracles. Mithra preached baptism, and did miracles as well.
. Yahushua the Messiah was impaled on the tree. Mithra protects or saves by the cross.
. On the night before He was killed, Yahushua had His last supper with His 12 followers. Also, on the night before Mithra ascended to heaven to reunite
with Sol, he had the last Eucharist with his 12 disciples.
Apostasy Fulfilled
In the letter Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, he foretold of the great fall away from the truth, which coincided with the revelation of Daniel, about the coming of a counterfeit Roman Faith (the 4th beast or influence/reign) that will rise; even taken over the Hebraic Faith set-up by Yahushua the Messiah: like with the story of the Sower {Yahushua} who planted wheat {Congregation in His Name} in the field, while He was gone, the enemy (Satan) came and planted weeds (false religion) Matt 13:24-30.
In (2 Thessa 2:1-12) Paul wrote: 1 Now we beseech you, as to the coming of our Master Yahushua the Messiah, and by the gathered together unto Him, 2 not to become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as if the day of YAHUWEH has come. 3 Let no one deceive you in any way, except there come a falling away first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called EL or that is worshipped, so that he sits as EL in the Temple of EL, showing himself that he is EL. 5 Do you not remember that I told you this while I was still with you? 6 And now you know what restrains, for him to be revealed in his time. 7 For the secret of lawlessness is already at work- only until he who now restrains comes out of the midst. 8 And then the lawless one shall be revealed, whom the Master shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth and shall destroy with the manifestation of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, 10 and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved. 11 And for this reason EL sends them a strong delusion, for them to believe the falsehood: 12 in order that all should be condemned who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness.
Emperor Constantine the man of lawlessness revealed
{Daniel 7:23-28/ Daniel 11:27-39}
Daniel 7:23-28: The fourth beast is the fourth reign {religious reign} on earth, which is different from all other reigns {Persia & Media/ Greek Empire/ Roman Empire} and it devours all the earth Rev 17:5, tramples it down and crushed it. And the ten horns are ten kings (emperors) from his reign. They shall rise, and another shall rise after them (Constantine Christendom), and it is different from the first one and it subdued three kings
{Galerius/ Maxentius/ Licinius}, and it speaks words against the Most High, and it wears out the true believers of the Most High, and it intends to change appointed times and law {Sabbath to Sunday}, and they are given into its hand for a time and times and half. But the sentence shall sit, and they shall take away its rule, to cut off and to destroy, until the end {at the return of the Messiah}.
The Rise of Emperor Constantine the great
Constantine 1 was a Roman Emperor from 306 CE through 337 CE, the son of Emperor Flavius Constantius.
Constantine was born in the military town of Naissus in Feb 27, 272 CE. He was an officer in the Rome army, part of
Emperor Aurelian's imperial bodyguard. He advanced through the ranks, and later became the Governor of Dalmatia
under Emperor Diocletian. In July 285, before the rise of Constantine the great, Emperor Diocletian appointed Maximian
to co-rule the Roman empire with him, as co-emperor. Maximian would rule independently in the west, while Diocletian
ruled in the east. In 293, Emperor Diocletian divided the empire again, appointing two additional Caesars
(junior emperors) to rule over the subdivision of the east and the west: Constantius the father of Constantine, and
Galerius. This system would later be called the Tetrarchy. May 1st 306, due to sickness, Emperor Diocletian resigned
as senior Emperor, and Maximian as well. And Caesar Constantius replaced Maximian in the west, and Galerius took the
place of Diocletian as senior Emperor, while Severus and Maximin became junior Emperors, but Constantine was ignored.
In July 25th 306, emperor Constantius died, and his son Constantine assumed his position as the Augustus or senior
Emperor of the west, which angered the other Emperors, and later resulted in years of disputes that ended in wars,
of which Constantine triumphed over the other emperors: Galerius, Maxentius, and Licinius.
As a visionary, Constantine, once experienced a vision of Apollo and Victory granting him laurel wreath, the symbol of
long life. In another vision, he saw himself in the likeness of Apollo, as the savior and the ruler of the world. In 310,
after he became the senior Emperor of the west, Constantine replaced Mars the Roman deity of war with Sol Invictus
as the supreme deity of Rome. However, the height of his reign and the beginning of his reformed of Roman religion
came in 312, after the war with emperor Maxentius.
Victory in Milvian Bridge (the Civil War)
This is one of the most drastic event in the course of history which change the world forever, both physically and spiritually as well; marking the beginning of the 4th reign, or the time and time and half years of the reign of universal Christendom foretold by Daniel 7:25.
In the summer of 311 CE, Emperor Maxentius declared war against Emperor Constantine, vowing to avenge his father's death
(Constantine forced his father to commit suicide when he rebelled against him). During the summer and the winter of that year,
Constantine mobilized 40,000 soldiers for war, which was half the size of Maxentius forces.
On 27 October 312, a day before the battle, Constantine visited the temple of Apollo to pray. After prayer he rejoined with his
army. As he was marching with his men, he looked up to admire the Sun, and suddenly he saw a cross of light "Chi-Rho", above it
was a sign which reads "In hoc signo vinces" meaning In this sign conquer. After he saw the vision from the Sun, he fell from his
horse. However, no one else saw the vision but Constantine. On the same night, following his recovering, Constantine had another
vision; in which the Christian Divinity sent his Heliodromus or Christ to explain the vision he had early, also, commanded him to make
labarum, and put the sign of the cross on his soldier's swords and shields in order to secure victory from the Sun divinity.
Then, he made a vow to serve the Sun divinity; the Christian deity, and build houses of worship for him after the war if he would give
him victory. Apparently, Constantine traded 'Roman eagle' to 'Sun Cross' as an official talisman emblem for Roman empire.
The following day, On the 28th of October, Emperor Constantine crushed Emperor Maxentius at the battle of the Milvian Bridge. Constantine attributed his victory to the Sun divinity, who sent his Christ to assist him in the battle.
Sunday: the venerable day of the Sun
In 321, Constantine declared the first day of the week an official day of rest; in honor of the Sun divinity, who gave him victory over his enemy Maxentius, and urged the entire Roman empire to unite in observing the venerable day of the Sun, {Sun's day or Sunday}, in which markets and offices were legally mandated to close. As the result of his encounter with the Sun deity during the war with Maxentius, Constantine assumed the role of the protégé of the Sun on earth; the mediator between God and men, the Savior of the Roman empire. And Later became the Ponifex maximus or Pater Patrum of the new Roman Faith.
Christianity became universal Religion {Daniel 9:27/Rev 17:3-18}
In 313, Constantine issued 'the Edict of Milan' which granted complete tolerance to all religion, also legalized Christianity as the official religion of the west. However, there were many dissensions among Roman people; sharply divided by various religious believes Constantine saw as a threat to his rule. And his solution to the division is to seek to unite the empire under one Supreme Deity and one comprehensive faith; the effective ideal he borrowed from Emperor Ptolemy 1 Soter: when he was the ruler of Egypt in 323 BCE, invented a supreme deity called "Serapis" a Greco-Egyptian deity, as a means to unify Greek and Egyptians people in his realm. Serapis was a combination of various Egyptian and Greek deities. Serapis represented Greek deity with Egyptian trappings; which was meant to form a bridge between the Greek and Egyptians, so they could find union under one supreme entity. Constantine did the same.
In 320 CE, he outlawed most of the old Roman religious beliefs; abolishing the old Asian-Minor Mithraism, to form a new "Universal Roman Church" which is the combination of Mithraism, Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Druidism, and Nazarene Messianic faith - a little bit of each, to unify his empire under the supreme deity "Sol" or Sun divinity. Moreover, the majority of the Roman citizens worship the Sun/God divinity in the first place, but in different concept. He also inaugurated Hesus or Esus (the Druid-Germanic sun savior, who is very popular in those days as a healing savior, also known as Leso) to become the universal Christ, presiding over Mithra, Krishna or Attis.
As the new Roman Ponifex Maximus, Constantine fulfilled his vow to the Sun divinity- by building numbers of huge basilicas. He also supported the new Roman Church financially, and granted special privileges to the Church, like, exempting the paters (fathers) from paying taxes, and from any military engagement, because, according to the 7th order of the Mithraic mystery initiation, paters or fathers swore to denounce the sword.
The Bible {MatthYahu 24:15/ 24:5}
In 325 CE, Constantine assigned Eusebius the Bishop of Caesaria to gather all the Epistles or letters of the apostles and the Septuagint brought to him in Rome; for making of an official Roman Bible, also for canon selection. During the development of Bible, some books of the Scripture were canonized and adopted into Constantine's Bible as authoritative, while others were considered non-canonical or even apocrypha (meaning: hide away) in Vatican. Also, during the progression, the Name of YAHUWEH or YHWH was substituted to Deus (Zeus), and Yahushua the Messiah - as it was written in the Epistle of the apostle was also substituted to Hesus or Esus.
His Kingdom on earth began as wheat, then the enemy planted weeds in the same field
Yahushua the Messiah told a parable and said, "The kingdom of the heaven is like a person who sowed good seed in his field, but while he slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. And when the wheat sprouted and bore fruit, then the weeds also appeared. And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ ‘An enemy did this,’ He replied. And the servants said to him, ‘Do you wish then, that we go and pull them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you are pulling the weeds, you also may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I shall say to the harvesters, “First gather the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”
Mithraism began in 570 BCE, then redefined to 'Universal Roman Faith' in 325 CE as Catholic; and the sister creed the Orthodox Church. Catholic come from the Greek Katholikos, which means "Universal or Worldwide". However, in the 1483 CE, a Catholic pater called Martin Luther broke away from Catholicism, and initiated the Protestant Reformation. He formed a denomination called Lutheran in Germany, which gave birth to other denominations such as:
Lutheran Pentecostalism
Calvinism Restoration Church
Puritanism Adventist Church
Anglicanism Charismatic Movement
Moravian Church Jehovah Witness
Hussites Latter day saints
Quakers Church of Christ
Amish-Mennonites Church of Scientology
Methodist Church Jews for Jesus
Baptist Church Ebionism
Evangelicalism New Age Church
Unitarian Church Christian Identity Denomination
Presbyterian Church Black Church Movement

Mithra ascension to heaven

Sun's anointing

Imprisoned for lack
of Knowledge

Chi Rho


Constantine the great
Halo or the circle of light represents the presence of Sun divinity.